
Monday 7 December 2015

Athletics Day at May Road School

While the senior school had their Athletics Day- we had tabloid sports.

We had fun  throwing and catching balls with our partners. When we catch the ball we need to have our hands ready to catch it and we need to watch the ball with our eyes.

After that we threw beanbags into hoops. We had to point to the target, some of us stood sideways and we  aimed to throw the bean bag into the hoop.

Our last activity was a hurdle relay. Here we had to jump over the yellow hurdles, run back down the side and tap our team mate so they could  go next.

We had a really exciting day doing tabloid activities on our field. The sun felt nice and warm on our back.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun! Can't wait to see updates for 2016 :)

    Jahreys Mummy
